Discover snoring solutions at Smart Smile Dentistry
Snoring is the harsh, vibratory sound that emanates from the throat when air is forced through a narrowed airway during sleep. This narrowing or obstruction is usually caused by sleep apnea, a sleep disorder marked by a collapse of the soft tissues in the throat. For many individuals, a snoring habit can be a major detriment to a person’s health and well-being, not to mention his or her spouse who has to deal with it each night!
Many patients are able to eliminate snoring by losing weight, sleeping on their sides and giving up alcohol and other relaxants. Others find relief by using nasal strips and obtaining medical treatment for sinus or allergy problems. If these steps don’t do the trick, our Gainesville, Florida dentists can create a custom, form-fitting oral appliance to wear while you sleep. This device pulls the tongue and lower jaw forward, holding them in a position that keeps the airway open for easy breathing and the prevention of snoring.
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Smart Smile Dentistry - Map & Directions | 4404 NW 36 Ave | Gainesville, FL 32606 | (352) 900-3590